Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Vixen Liquid Diet

The Vixen diet is a the best elements of a combination of several liquid diets.

Prepare for diet by measuring stomach, hips, and thighs. Weigh yourself and record results.

Day 1 
1 8oz glass of water
2-3 tsp of sea salt or Epsom salt, stir and drink. Salt cleanses the body prepares body for the shock of no food. You do the salt mix first on an empty stomach. (Allow several hours of bathroom time for cleansing process).
4 protein shakes throughout the day. (Meal replacement shake are okay.)
64oz of water or more throughout the day.

Day 2-3
3 protien shakes
1 veggie/fruit smoothie or 8oz of broth or 8 oz of unsweetened lemonade mixed with 1 tsp of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp of maple syrup
Liquid Vitamin
64oz of water or more throughout the day.

Day 4-7
3 protien shakes
1 veggie/fruit smoothie or 8oz of broth or 8 oz of unsweetened lemonade mixed with 1 tsp of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp of maple syrup
Liquid vitamin
64oz of water or more throughout the day.

After day 7
Option 1- GOOD
Start back over with day one of the Vixen Liquid Diet.

Option 2- BETTER
Go back to solids you must start with soups and salads with vinegar and oil dressing. Gradually add lean meats, otherwise start back at day one but continue taking a liquid vitamin.

Option 3- Best
Go Meatless! Get your protiens from shakes, nuts and other high protien sources. Continue to eliminate starches. Add fruits and veggies to the diet as snacks and meals. Keep all sauces and dressings to a minimum.

Initial weight loss 2-10lbs and 1-3 inches. Varies after week one. Moderate Exercise during the first three days to monitor your body's reaction. Exercise thereafter is permitted. You must increase water intake and have a shake following workouts. Exercising during this diet allows the skin to tighten as weight lose occurs.

This diet is not approved by a doctor but by a certified nutritionist and all risk are assumed by the consumer.